Access Keys:

Coagh Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown


October 2019 December 2019
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Fri 1
Half Term Holidays
Sat 2

Sun 3

Mon 4

Tue 5

Wed 6
Football Club (3pm-4pm (P5-P7) Session 5 of 6)
Thu 7
Scripture Union Club P4-P7 (3pm-4pm with Mrs Michael)
Fri 8
Credit Union Savings ((Use Credit Union Box in Hallway))
Drumming with Geoff Hamilton (Term 1 Session 4 of 8)
Flu Immunisation Programme P1-P7
Piping with Lowry Ferguson (Term 1 Session 6 of 10)
'Book Club' with Jennifer Crooks (8.30am, 1.45pm and 3pm in front hallway)
Sat 9

Sun 10

Mon 11
Remembrance Day Service 11am at War Memorial in Coagh
Anti Bullying Week
Library Van in School
Hope for Youth Ministries 11am - 11.45am (Whole School)
Tue 12
'Odd Sock' Day for Anti Bullying Week
Anti Bullying Week
Parents Association Meeting- 8pm
Hope for Youth Ministries 11am - 11.45am (Whole School)
Wed 13
Hope for Youth Ministries 11am - 11.45am (Whole School)
Parent/Teacher Interviews- School closes at 12.45pm
Anti Bullying Week
Thu 14
Anti Bullying Week
Parent/Teacher Interviews- School closes at 12.45pm
Hope for Youth Ministries 11am - 11.45am (Whole School)
Fri 15
Anti Bullying Week
Piping with Lowry Ferguson (Term 1 Session 7 of 10)
Drumming with Geoff Hamilton (Term 1 Session 5 of 8)
Hope for Youth Ministries 11am - 11.45am (Whole School)
Credit Union Savings ((Use Credit Union Box in Hallway))
Sat 16

Sun 17

Mon 18

Tue 19
'Water Bus' Visit P4-P7 11am - 12noon
Wed 20
Football Club (3pm-4pm (P5-P7) Session 6 of 6)
Thu 21
Movie Night (Organised by Parents Association)
Horrible Histories Club P4-P7 (3pm-4pm with Mrs Wilson)
Fri 22
Piping with Lowry Ferguson (Term 1 Session 8 of 10)
Drumming with Geoff Hamilton (Term 1 Session 6 of 8)
Credit Union Savings ((Use Credit Union Box in Hallway))
'Book Club' with Jennifer Crooks (8.30am, 1.45pm and 3pm in front hallway)
Tri County Football Tournament (10am-12noon in Cookstown Leisure Centre)
Sat 23

Sun 24

Mon 25
Library Van in School
Tue 26

Wed 27

Thu 28
Open Night (7pm-8.30pm (Principal Talk 7.15pm))
Eco Committee Club (Elected Members) (3pm-4pm with Mrs Crooks)
Fri 29
Piping with Lowry Ferguson (Term 1 Session 9 of 10)
Drumming with Geoff Hamilton (Term 1 Session 7 of 8)
Credit Union Savings ((Use Credit Union Box in Hallway))
Sat 30
Breakfast with Santa (9.45am - 12.30pm)