Access Keys:

Coagh Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown


March 2022 May 2022
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Fri 1
P7 Cycling Proficiency (Wear PE Uniform and bring bike & helmet )
Cash for Clobber- Final day to ‘drop off' in school
Sat 2

Sun 3

Mon 4
P6/7 Trip to Titanic Centre with Ballylifford Primary School (Shared Education)
Violin Tuition (11am with Miss H. Foy)
Tue 5
P4 and P5 Swimming (Cookstown Leisure Centre (Session 7 of 16))
P7 Cycling Proficiency (Wear PE Uniform and bring bike & helmet)
Wed 6
P7 Cycling Proficiency (Wear PE Uniform and bring bike & helmet)
Thu 7
Piano Tuition (with Shirley Walker)
Fri 8
School closes at 12noon for all pupils for Easter Holidays
Sat 9

Sun 10

Mon 11
Easter Holidays (School closed for all pupils )
Tue 12
Easter Holidays (School closed for all pupils )
Wed 13
Easter Holidays (School closed for all pupils )
Thu 14
Easter Holidays (School closed for all pupils )
Fri 15
Easter Holidays (School closed for all pupils )
Sat 16

Sun 17

Mon 18
Easter Holidays (School closed for all pupils )
Tue 19
Easter Holidays (School closed for all pupils )
Wed 20
Easter Holidays (School closed for all pupils )
Thu 21
Easter Holidays (School closed for all pupils )
Fri 22
Easter Holidays (School closed for all pupils )
Sat 23

Sun 24

Mon 25
School reopens for Term 3 (Fun Club and Homework Club start again from today)
Violin Tuition (11am with Miss H. Foy)
Tue 26
P4 and P5 Swimming (Cookstown Leisure Centre (Session 8 of 16))
Wed 27

Thu 28
Piano Tuition (with Shirley Walker)
Eco Committee (3pm - 4pm with Mrs Crooks)
Fri 29

Sat 30