Access Keys:

Coagh Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown


August 2021 October 2021
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Wed 1
P1 Pupils stay in school 9am - 12noon
P1 Pupils go home at 12noon (First two weeks)
Thu 2
P1 Pupils stay in school 9am - 12noon
P1 Pupils go home at 12noon (First two weeks)
Fri 3
P1 Pupils stay in school 9am - 12noon
P1 Pupils go home at 12noon (First two weeks)
Sat 4

Sun 5

Mon 6
P1 Pupils stay in school 9am - 12noon
P1 Pupils go home at 12noon (First two weeks)
Tue 7
P1 Pupils stay in school 9am - 12noon
P1 Pupils go home at 12noon (First two weeks)
Wed 8
P1 Pupils stay in school 9am - 12noon
P1 Pupils go home at 12noon (First two weeks)
Thu 9
P1 Pupils go home at 12noon (First two weeks)
Piano Tuition (with Shirley Walker)
P1 Pupils stay in school 9am - 12noon
Fri 10
P1 Pupils go home at 12noon (First two weeks)
P1 Pupils stay in school 9am - 12noon
Sat 11

Sun 12

Mon 13
P1 Pupils go home at 1pm (Second two weeks in September) (Please send packed lunch or order a school dinner)
IFA Sports Programme (P5/6 and P7 with Judith Watt (Wear PE Uniform))
Tue 14
P1 Pupils go home at 1pm (Second two weeks in September) (Please send packed lunch or order a school dinner)
Wed 15
P1 Pupils go home at 1pm (Second two weeks in September) (Please send packed lunch or order a school dinner)
Gardening Evening in School (3pm - 8pm- See letter sent via Seesaw)
Thu 16
P1 Pupils go home at 1pm (Second two weeks in September) (Please send packed lunch or order a school dinner)
Piano Tuition (with Shirley Walker)
Gardening Evening in School (3pm - 8pm- See letter sent via Seesaw)
Fri 17
P1 Pupils go home at 1pm (Second two weeks in September) (Please send packed lunch or order a school dinner)
Sat 18

Sun 19

Mon 20
P1 Pupils go home at 1pm (Second two weeks in September) (Please send packed lunch or order a school dinner)
IFA Sports Programme (P5/6 and P7 with Judith Watt (Wear PE Uniform))
Violin Tuition (11am with Miss H. Foy)
Tue 21
P1 Pupils go home at 1pm (Second two weeks in September) (Please send packed lunch or order a school dinner)
Wed 22
P1 Pupils go home at 1pm (Second two weeks in September) (Please send packed lunch or order a school dinner)
Thu 23
P1 Pupils go home at 1pm (Second two weeks in September) (Please send packed lunch or order a school dinner)
Piano Tuition (with Shirley Walker)
Fri 24
P1 Pupils go home at 1pm (Second two weeks in September) (Please send packed lunch or order a school dinner)
Sat 25

Sun 26

Mon 27
P1 pupils to stay until ‘normal' finishing time 1.45pm (P1 pupils can stay for Fun Club and Homework Club from today)
IFA Sports Programme (P5/6 and P7 with Judith Watt (Wear PE Uniform))
Violin Tuition (11am with Miss H. Foy)
Tue 28
P6 and P7 Swimming (Cookstown Leisure Centre (Session 1 of 16))
Wed 29
P1 Phonics and Information Evening (P1 Classroom or Via Zoom beginning at 7.30pm)
Accelerated Reading Information Evening (P4-P7 Parents 8.15pm in new P7 Classroom and via Zoom)
Thu 30
Piano Tuition (with Shirley Walker)
School Council Elections (P3-P7 Pupils)