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Coagh Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown

🏰 Killymoon Castle - D-Day +80 Years 🏰

31st May 2024

The P5, P6, and P7 pupils really enjoyed their visit to Killymoon Castle this morning to see all the artefacts from WW2 and have a guided tour of the areas in the castle set up for the event. 🏰✨ The pupils loved the hands-on learning experience and being able to put the events of WW2 and D-Day into a very local context. 🌍📚

A massive thank you to all the volunteers who have worked so hard to put on this magnificent event. 👏🙏 This is open to the public tomorrow (Saturday) and Sunday—it's well worth a visit! 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♀️

#CoaghPrimarySchool #KillymoonCastle #DDay80Years #WW2History #HandsOnLearning #WorthAVisit