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Coagh Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown

🍿🍕 Movie and Pizza Afternoon! 🎬🍕

22nd Mar 2024

A big congratulations to our fantastic P4, P5, P6, and P7 pupils for reaching their 'Target' on the Accelerated Reading Programme 📚🎯 As a well-deserved reward, they enjoyed a fun Movie and Pizza afternoon today. 🎉🍕 It certainly was a hit! 🍕🎬

We're so proud of your hard work and dedication to reading. Keep up the excellent work! 📖👏 And remember, targets for Term 3 start today. Let's aim high and keep the reading momentum going! 🚀📚

#AcceleratedReading #MovieTime #PizzaParty #ReadingGoals #CoaghPrimarySchool 🏫