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Coagh Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown

📚🌟 Accelerated Reading Stars Shine Bright at Coagh Primary School🌟📚

25th Apr 2024

A huge congratulations is in order for our incredible pupils 🎉 Today, we celebrated the achievements of our dedicated readers with lots of stars awarded. ⭐️

Let's give a round of applause to Lucie and Sienna from P5 for achieving their Bronze Star, having read an impressive 250,000 words each🥉📖 Well done, Lucie and Sienna!

🌟 Hannah and Rachel from P7 soared to new heights by achieving their Silver Star, reading an outstanding 500,000 words each! 🥈📚 Bravo, Hannah and Rachel!

A very special word of congratulations to Micah in P6, who has truly blown us away by achieving his Second Silver Star, having devoured an incredible 1,500,000 words! 🤯🥈🥈📚 

Keep up the fantastic work, everyone! 🌟 Let's continue to dive into the magical worlds of books and let our imaginations soar! 🚀📖


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