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Coagh Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown

Anti Bullying Ambassadors

19th Nov 2021

As part of Anti Bullying Week we have selected our Anti Bullying Ambassadors for 2021/22 from pupils in P5, P6 and P7.


Throughout the year they will help to organise events and will set examples in the playground and classroom. It is fantastic to see that some of the Anti Bullying Ambassadors have an awareness that they haven’t always been in their own words ‘great examples’ in the past but they are willing to work on changing their behaviour as part of being on the Anti Bullying Ambassador Programme. 


It was wonderful to see so many P5-P7 pupils volunteer for the ambassador roles. As part of their role this week they decided to create a series of ‘kind phrases’ which they wrote in the playground so all the pupils had an opportunity to see #OneKindWord 


It was great to see all the pupils in school having the opportunity to read all the phrases which are located throughout the playground and garden areas.