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Coagh Primary School, Coagh, Cookstown

Charity Appeal

9th Jan 2020

It was great to welcome Damien McAnespie to school this morning. Damien works with the Air Ambulance Northern Ireland.

The School Council decided in Term 1 that the Air Ambulance NI would be the chosen charity for the school this year. During the Christmas Concerts a short video highlighting the work of the Air Ambulance was shown and it was fantastic to see the generosity shown by all those who attended and some who donated afterwards.

A brilliant £700 was raised and the members of the School Council presented Damien with a cheque this morning. All pupils learned more about the work that the Air Ambulance does and what the money raised will be spent on when Damien spoke during assembly.

A massive thank you to everyone and we know the donation will be used for a really worthwhile cause.